POKHARA: The Chairperson of CPN-Maoist Centre Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said the House of Representatives and State Assemblies elections will be held on stipulated time. He also ensured that upcoming polls will not be deferred on at any pretext, it will be held on time.“Government committed for holding polls, opposition desire and verdict of Apex court’s demanding progress on elections, does not leave any ground to be susceptible towards elections,” Dahal said so while addressing a press meet organised by Press Centre Nepal Kaski, on Friday. Former PM Dahal was optimistic that after House of Representatives and State Assemblies elections will ensure political stability in the nation. “Elections are important for constitution implementation, political stability and economic prosperity in the nation. We have alerted the government as there is delima among general public regarding holding upcoming polls or not,” Dahal shared. Maoist leader Dahal also clarified that the allia...
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